Spicy Kale Chips

I had a lot of leftover Kale the other day when I was doing food prep and had the oven on, so thought I’d have a go at making Kale chips.  Unless you’ve been living in a cave, Kale is pretty much one of the most talked about greens these days.  What’s so good about it?  To name a few, it is high in:
• Iron // vital in formation of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to our cells
• Vitamin A // great for skin and vision
• Vitamin K // important in blood clotting and can help protect against various cancers
• Calcium // did you know that Kale has more calcium than milk (per calorie)

Plus, it’s a good detoxifying food helping your liver health!

Spicy Kale Chips

• Kale
• Pinch Cayenne Pepper
• Pinch Paprika
• 1 tablespoon Macadamia Oil (Or melted Coconut Oil/Olive Oil)

1. Cut kale from the stalk and tear into ‘chip’ pieces.
2. In a small bowl, mix oil and spices.
3. Arrange kale chips onto an oven tray and rub oil spice mix through. Really massage the kale chips.
4. Pop into oven at 150 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.

Be careful, they’re spicy!

Jen xxx

Positive Affirmation // I see endless opportunities before me.


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