Coconut Pear Loaf

I saw a tray of luscious looking pears the other week at the farmers market and decided I just needed to try and bake something with them. These soft flavoursome pears were the perfect seasonal fruit to team with the rich coconut base of this loaf. You will have seen on our Instagram and Facebook photos that I have been enjoying this lately crumbled atop my breakfast yoghurt with my Strawberry Superfood Granola. This Coconut Pear Loaf is best enjoyed with a cup of tea and in good company =) Happy Sunday!

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Strawberry Superfood Granola

Granola topped on greek yoghurt is one of my favourite ways to start the day. I don’t like the store bought granola because it is usually loaded with refined sugar (even if they are advertised as healthy or organic). I always load my granola with plenty of nourishing nuts and seeds, and use only 100% maple syrup or manuka honey to sweeten. I actually look forward to waking up and eating this delicious concoction. The best thing about it is you can use oats or buckwheat groats as the base and chuck in whatever else you have in the pantry. Get as creative as you like! I would love to see what you did with yours so tag us on instagram (@lovennourish) so we can see what you came up with!

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