Coconut + Lime Prawns

I challenge you to find someone who isn’t a fan of Coconut + Lime Prawns… At Uni, whenever there was an event where they were served, we would all make a beeline for them. I whipped these babies up in 15 minutes the other day after coming home after work super tired. I just wanted something quick, easy and delicious! These hit the spot.

Coconut + Lime Prawns

• Raw Prawns (a handful per person)
• 1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
• 2 tablespoons Shredded Coconut
• 1/2 Lime
• To a serve- Pak Choy (or any other greens)

1. Peel the prawns.
2. Toast shredded coconut in the oven for about 5 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
3. Whilst the coconut is getting toasted, add coconut oil to a fry pan and let it melt before adding the prawns.
4. Cook for approximately 5 minutes until the prawns turn pink. Squeeze some lime through.
5. Toss the toasted coconut with the prawns.
6. Serve with steamed greens. I served mine with Pak choy that I also tossed in the coconut oil before serving.

X Jen

Positive Affirmation // Positive thoughts, positive actions, positive life.


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