About lovennourish

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Hi there lovely soul! Call us Fran and Jen, Canberra-based health professionals with a penchant for wholesome foods, constant self-love + everything positive. Between the two of us, we hold Bachelor degrees in Health Science (Public Health), Media and Communication and Biomedical Science.

If you are after a blog that is about calorie counting and weight loss this isn’t for you. We believe in nourishing on a cellular level but also choosing soul deep, unconditional love.

If this interests you, stick around ‘cause lovennourish will provide you with weekly recipes made from wholesome, organic, natural ingredients + a whole lotta love. We can’t wait to watch it grow!

So thanks for popping by, we’d like to sign out with our favourite quotes,

Do absolutely everything with love – Xx F

Change your thoughts and you change your world – X J

2 thoughts on “About lovennourish

  1. I love that quote Franny, one that I read the other day and is written on my whiteboard at work is: “Live fully, Love openly.”

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