Ladies of Lovennourish // Lovely Lauren

The following lady of lovennourish is a vibrant lady that I’m lucky enough to work with. She’s bright, forever smiling and always there for a chat… She has a gorgeous blog where she shares the things makes her heart sing and every cell in her body smile… I think that in itself sums this beauty up so without further ado meet the lovely Lauren. Continue reading

Ladies of lovennourish // the quichest Kitty

I am so excited to introduce you to my gorgeous cousin Keisha. This fun loving dietician lights up every room she walks into, knows how to live life to the fullest and participates in triathlons with sheer determination bred by having two competitive brothers.

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Ladies of lovennourish // bright, beaming, beautiful Bec

Welcome back to Ladies of lovennourish… Our next health-lovin’ beauty doesn’t let anything stand in her way… she loves the great outdoors, lives and breathes nutrition and is the most enthusiastic go-getter we’ve ever set our eyes on… Welcome bright, beaming, beautiful Bec.

BEC BOAT Continue reading

Ladies of lovennourish // Radiant Rochelle from Australian Organic Ltd

I’m so excited to announce our second ladies of lovennourish… this lovely lady from Townsville supports all things organic, loves admiring the sunset and can talk under water.


Chelley and I met at university where she studied a Bachelor of Nutrition and a Bachelor of Media and Communication; we hit it off when we realised our mutual love of nourishing food, crystals and the coast. Continue reading