Bone Broth aka Beef Stock

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but every health food blog is touting the health benefits of bone broth, and here’s why:
+ it’s rich in easily digestible trace minerals
+ it contains glucosamine and chondroiton – good for arthritis and joint pain
+ aids digestion by attracting digestive juices to the gut
+ good for gut health – restores mucosal lining in the stomach
+ helps to ensure a more effective thyroid
+ collagen and gelatin are good for strong nails and hair
+ good for healing (chicken soup when you’re unwell)
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Vanilla // Chocolate Pancakes

This last week, I’ve been obsessed with pancakes… I do love my easy overnight oats in Winter, but with Spring here, there is nothing better than waking up with sunlight streaming through your bedroom and looking forward to a hearty … Continue reading